Silver Ions Technology

The best quality,

Research and Development with love

Effective against bacteria, odor, viruses and fungus, silver-ion spray.
All-natural, without alcohol and hypochlorite acid. 
No need to dilute, it’s very safe to both human and pets and very effective. 
New silver product that is backed by scientific evidence. 

Made in Yokohama, Japan.
Worldwide Shipping. 

History Of Silver

For thousands of years, silver has been used as a healing and anti-bacterial agent by civilisations throughout the world. The use of its medical, preservative and restorative powers can be traced as far back as the ancient Greek and Roman Empires.

Early Discovery of Silver

Long before the development of modern pharmaceuticals, silver was employed as a germicide and antibiotic.

Early Greeks and Romans would beat silver into very thin foil and wrap it around wounds to prevent infection and aid healing. 
The body fluids coming into contact with the silver oxidised the silver slightly. This leads to the release of silver ions and it was these ions that were attacking the bacteria and killing them.
They would also line their water storage containers with silver to help prevent the water from going ‘bad’ and causing disease.

In the same way, the water storage containers were slowly oxidising the silver and releasing silver ions, helping to keep the bacteria count in the water low. 

The royals of England were drinking wine, which has a very low pH, out of silver goblets and this was accelerating the release of silver ions into the wine and also into the food on the silver plates and cutlery. As they ingested these ions it helped to control not only bacteria but virus and fungus as well.

Silver ions inhibit the growth of bacteria by deactivating the bacteria’s oxygen metabolism enzymes. In turn, this destroys the bacteria’s cell membranes, stopping the replication of the bacteria’s DNA and preventing the bacteria from multiplying.